- MTVs website
- Go here to vote for your favorite artists on TRL and DFX
- Jerry Springer Home Page
- The most violent talk show on tvs web site
- GO here for some Nookie or Just for a little FAITH
- Beastie Boys Home Page
- Beastie Boys offical Home page
- KoRn's official website
- CHeck this out for the latest on Korn
- Comedy Central Home Page
- SOUTH PARK,The Man Show,AND THE DAILY SHOW need I say more?
- Mancows official Website
- Check out Mancows Website for pics and info on the Morning Madhouse
- Classmates.com
- Go here to keep up with people you went to highschool with and some other stuff
- WWF.com
- The World Wrestling Federations home page
A little about me
a few of my favorite things:Music....Anything by the Doors, Kid Rock, and Limp Bizkit. Movies:....The Outsiders, Man on the Moon, and The Green Mile. anything else you want to know e-mail me and I'll let ya know if its not to personal. Thanks for stopping by and all that stuff. If you have any suggestions drop me a line and I'll take them into consideration.